Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Thinker / Believe

People of the ancient world were considered the greatest thinkers of our time. However, we can only imagine the level of itellect that they had. The man in this sculpture was obviously thinking about something very important, important enough to carve his thoughts into stone. What do you think he was thinking about? On that note, what was the sculptor thinking?

Here's something else to think about. Ancient Greeks and Romans had a very strict belief in their Gods, just as we do today. They let thier lives be governed by supernatural forces that may or may not have existed. When Rome fell, and the time of the Greeks and Romans had ceased, what happened to their Gods? Did they disappear or do they still live on somewhere? Are they angry because people have not believed in them for centuries? Does a God only exist if people choose to let them?
God is a powerful force, or so we believe. If man chooses not to believe anymore, what will happen? Will he finally show himself and make us believe, or will he disappear just like the ancient Gods. And finally, if we choose not to believe in God now, what will we believe in next? Who will be the new God?


Anonymous said...

i have say that brings out the site i still cant belive that you have found the picture of the thinker that mr. c was talking about

The Great Niz Nac said...

1) Perhaps The Thinker thinks of thought. Its a deep subject. Whoever he is, he is totaly possessed by his inquiry. Maybe he thinks of life and its origins. The sculptor, in my opinion, was celebrating humanity at its finest. The sculpture is a praise our faculty of reason. I believe that reason is the highest ability we humans have.

2) The gods of the ancients were a misstatement of the true divine. People, before science became as developed as it is today, looked for supernatural explanations of the phenominal world. Their concepts of god were mere people with divine powers. They quarreled and "sinned" just like any person would. These deities were never anything more than people's dreams and rationalizations. However, within every culture there has been a sect that has hit on the true meaning of God. For the Ancient Greeks, this was Plato. His belief that reason was the highest faculty, one should try to attain a state of pure reason mirrors the understanding of the Buddhists The newest understanding of God stems from Eastern philosophy. God is everything. The universe is light. We are beams of light coming from the source that is god, that is everything. Time moves in a spiral around this center. As we travel at the speed of light we intersect time and “live.” We experience reality as this happens because this is the lowest plane of existence. The planes of existence are light frequencies. The 3D plane, being the lowest, gives us a physical relation to respond to the universe. If the soul is “spiritual” it would not pass into oblivion when the physical body dies, it would still operate at a higher plane where the spiritual aspect of a person is disembodied. It would have no way of interacting with our plane, having no physical manifestation. I believe that the universe is this God and that this God is benevolent or good, but in order for the universe to function properly, physics are required. Chaos is physics with no aim, no agenda. Anything is logically possible in chaos, but not anything will happen. Matter will follow the laws of physics. People who are more attuned with God in this way may be able to bend the rules, but the person must be genuinely closer to god, which means that this person is probably of the character to not announce his abilities.