Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Freedom is Never Free

Powerful words. Click to expand.

The Thinker / Believe

People of the ancient world were considered the greatest thinkers of our time. However, we can only imagine the level of itellect that they had. The man in this sculpture was obviously thinking about something very important, important enough to carve his thoughts into stone. What do you think he was thinking about? On that note, what was the sculptor thinking?

Here's something else to think about. Ancient Greeks and Romans had a very strict belief in their Gods, just as we do today. They let thier lives be governed by supernatural forces that may or may not have existed. When Rome fell, and the time of the Greeks and Romans had ceased, what happened to their Gods? Did they disappear or do they still live on somewhere? Are they angry because people have not believed in them for centuries? Does a God only exist if people choose to let them?
God is a powerful force, or so we believe. If man chooses not to believe anymore, what will happen? Will he finally show himself and make us believe, or will he disappear just like the ancient Gods. And finally, if we choose not to believe in God now, what will we believe in next? Who will be the new God?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another Game Update

While Call of Duty 4 may be great to many of you, I have my eye on a different game. Clive Barker's Jericho is a new horrer style shooter with incredible graphics, inovative gameplay, and intense fighting. This one is sure to be a hit.

Game Update

This has been a good week for new game releases.

The latest and greatest in the shooters is Call of Duty 4.

The game is very solid with excellent graphics and fast paced gameplay.

The downsides are the lack of vehicles and limited changing environments.

The multi- player, however is very deep and detailed with saved stats and rankings.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Friends With Guns

Having friends is good...but having friends with big guns is better...

Sunday, November 11, 2007


A man asks his friend before he leaves for war: "Why do you do it man? Fighting someone else's war. What do you think you are, some kind of hero?" The friend returns and answers the question: "No...no one ever plans on being a hero...it just sometimes turns out that way."

What makes a hero, and why do we remember them?

Friday, November 9, 2007

Best Halo 3 Video Ever

A video about my favorite game. It's cool. Leave a comment.